Bounce back more quickly
Want to develop your ability to bounce back effectively and successfully from setbacks and develop greater resilience to handle challenge? These ten videos are a fantastic place to start. Learn about the science of resilience and pick up a host of practical tips on how to boost resilience. Why not let us know your favourite tips on building resilience?
- Grit. Angela Lee Duckworth describes how giving up a successful career in consulting to teach seventh graders, inspired a new career in psychology studying one powerful predictor of success – grit. Angela describes how grit can be a greater predictor of success than IQ, social intelligence or physical health.
- The power of resilience. Neuropsychologist, Sam Goldstein, discusses how his work with children changed his mindset about what he does, how he does it and why he does it. Goldstein shifted approach from finding out what is wrong with a person and fixing that problem to developing a broader perspective on the psychology of resilience – studying how people overcome adversity & live happy, successful lives.
- Mental toughness – Think differently about your world. Dr Sean Richardson debates the benefits of instant gratification versus a taking a moment of calm to support us in developing resilience. Make a choice to work with your emotions to accept failure and develop grit.
- How to fall up. Dr Gregg Steinberg on how to use adversity as your superpower. Sternberg describes how challenge and adversity can develop emotional intelligence and grit to enable people to bounce back higher and free their authentic self.
- What makes a hero? Phillip Zimbardo explores what research reveals about who becomes a hero—and why. A great discussion of how extraordinary courage, imagination and grit lead to heroic acts.
- Cultivating resilience. Greg Eells talks about how we bounce back. What can we all do to make future hardships more manageable. Eells shows that we can take practical steps to build resilience by remembering the steps revealed in the explanation that resilience SAVES….
- Finding meaning in difficult times. A interview with the great Viktor Frankl, exploring what is the difference between people who are able to bounce back and those who struggle to do so. Frankl draws on his experiences in the Auschwitz concentration camp to describe how the ability to recognise that we have a meaning gives us freedom and responsibility to choose how we respond to any situation. What this video lacks in technical quality, it more than makes up for with the wisdoms offered.
- Resilience: Strength through compassion and connection. The Dalai Lama visiting New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, to talk about resilience with Dr Margaret Wheatley and Dr Richard Davison.
- Science of resilience: How to thrive in life. Dr Darlene Mininni talks us through how positive emotions make a physiological impact on us and our ability to be resilient. No matter whether you are 18 or 80, Dr. Mininni offers practical advice to bring more well-being into your life.
- How we bounce back: the new science of human resilience. Want to know more about the science and philosophy of what makes some people resilience? You’ll find a great line up of experts from the field of resilience discussing and debating the science and philosophy of resilience.
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