Your score indicates that you regularly practice being mindful. You are aware and focused in the present moment. You are also able to recognize your own emotions and the emotions of others. These are two core components of mindfulness.
You rarely spend time thinking about past events or mentally planning for the future which enables you to be fully aware in each moment, enjoying and appreciating the present.
You are accepting of your emotions which means that you do not judge them as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ rather, accepting them as part of your experience. This enables you to remain open to situations, even when they are difficult. Rather than suggesting that you simply accept situations as they are, this enables you to be open to new perspectives and behavioural change.
Research suggests that people who practice mindfulness on a regular basis have lower levels of stress, increased resilience and elevated levels of happiness.
Your score suggests that you have an average tendency to practice mindfulness. Your score identifies how aware and focused you are in the present moment. It also reflects your ability to recognize your own emotions and the emotions of others. These are two core components of mindfulness.
Your score suggests that you spend time thinking or worrying about the future or worrying about the past. This can result in you being unable to be fully present in the moment. You may also notice that you attempt to push difficult thoughts and feelings, away rather than accepting them and being open to a range of emotions. This can sometimes result in you judging yourself or being self critical, leading to feelings of sadness or anxiety. There are also times when you notice that you are focused in the present moment and able to be fully aware.
Research suggests that practicing mindfulness meditation will help you to focus on the present moment rather than ruminating on the past or living in the future. There are a number of mindfulness practices that will help you to develop this. By practicing a loving kindness compassion meditation you may also develop more self acceptance and be less self critical.
Your score suggests that you have difficulty practicing mindfulness. Your score identifies how aware and focused you are in the present moment. It also reflects your ability to recognize your own emotions and the emotions of others. These are two core components of mindfulness.
Your answers indicate that you find it difficult to remain focused in the present moment. You become distracted easily and may spend time either planning ahead, thinking about what you need to do or ruminating on past events.
Your answers suggest that you sometimes find it difficult to identify and articulate your emotions. You may notice that you think there is a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to think, at times, you may feel self critical or defensive.
Research suggests that practicing mindfulness will help you to focus on the present moment rather than ruminating on the past or living in the future. By practicing a loving kindness compassion meditation you may also develop more self acceptance and be less self critical.