Do you sometimes feel that you'll be 'found out' by colleagues or that your career success is down to chance or pure luck? You may be experiencing imposter syndrome and that can create a serious roadblock when you're attempting to make positive changes. Surprisingly, you're not alone. Pioneered by Dr Pauline Clance in the 70s, it's estimated that the majority of us will experience the phenomenon at some point in our lives.
Still wondering if you're affected by imposter syndrome? Take our self assessment and find out.
Mostly True
The chances are that you're very familiar with imposter syndrome and how the phenomenon impacts upon your performance. You feel as though you'll be found out at any moment and you're exhausted with always feeling that you have to put 110% into everything you do to keep up.
Remember every single one of us will feel like this at some point. In fact, we'll bet that if you start the conversation, others will tell you how it's also affected them sometimes too. It's part of being human and there is nothing wrong with you. You're not a fake or less intelligent than others around you, you just need to fine tune your thinking.
The good news? Taking this test is the first step to identifying imposter syndrome and starting your journey to develop more effective thinking. You're in the right place! We've got your back with a whole host of tools, techniques, blogs and podcasts to help you do just that.
You've occasionally experienced imposter syndrome but you recognise that it's something everyone goes through from time to time. You don't dwell on past failures, you've learned from them and used that information to move forwards.
You'll probably still benefit from some new tools and techniques to help you achieve your goals and keep that mental saw sharp! Take a look at our huge range of resources from podcasts, self assessments, blogs and videos to keep you up to date with the latest research. There's always something here that can help you to boost your performance.