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Here at Planet Positive Change we like a nice app. We like a free app even more (that’s probably a latent Yorkshire lass gene). In our free mindfulness and meditation app roundup we’ll be taking a look at all things meditation app. If you’re wondering about mindfulness apps and how you can incorporate them into your mindful meditation practice, or even if you should, we’ve got you covered. We take a look at;

  • the case for (& against) using mindfulness & meditation apps
  • the benefits of using meditation apps
  • the 5 best mindfulness meditation apps

Maybe you’ve been considering meditation apps for beginners, or meditation apps for anxiety or even meditation apps for sleep. Now there are some people who consider mindfulness apps a little bit ‘anti’ mindfulness. Why might that be?

Default Mode Network

Why? Well, some meditation apps provide a function for you to ‘measure’ your practice, they rate your meditation ‘performance’ providing graphs and charts to illustrate your progress. They can feed into the default mode network, that striving, constant doing mode that we’re using mindfulness to wake up to. We don’t want to swap one load of striving for another but if used mindfully, meditation apps can be a great resource for your mindfulness practice. In our free mindfulness and meditation app roundup we’ll take a look at some of the best meditation apps of 2018.

The Benefits of Using Meditation Apps

Often delegates on our mindfulness at work training ask us, “What’s the best meditation app?” Dilemma. We say if an app is the thing that will get you meditating then use one. Choose the right app for you and go for it. Better to meditate with an app than not meditate at all. Anything that helps you to develop a daily mindfulness habit is ok by us. If you’re using a meditation app you’ll still reap the myriad of benefits that regular meditators experience ranging from reduced levels of stress, increased resilience, more creativity, the development of emotional intelligence, less reactivity, a decrease in anxiety, improved sleep and tons more.

We’ve rounded up 5 of the best free meditation apps to get you started.

The 5 Best Free Mindfulness Meditation Apps

1. Relax Meditation App

Relax allows you to choose guided meditations from one screen. It’s easy to use and offers a range of sounds, including singing bowls, chanting monks, water and even the womb, yep, we said womb. We loved that you could set a auditory background if you want to. You could use this function for meditation of sound or in addition to another guided practice (but if you find it distracting switch it off). Relax also has timers and alarms so that you can keep track of how long you’ve been meditating. If you’re looking for a meditation app for sleep this might be the one for you, it even has a lullaby. Relax

2. Aura Meditation App

Another great free app that combine artificial intelligence and guided mindfulness meditation is  Aura This fab little app allows you to personalise your mindfulness with short, researched backed practices. If you’re looking for the best meditation app for anxiety, Aura aims to target stress, anxiety and depression. Every day you’ll get a new, personalised 3 minute meditation so you won’t get bored. Where does the AI come in? When you download the app Aura will ask you a series of calibrating questions enabling you to track your mood, suggesting meditation practices based upon how you are feeling. It also provides a gratitude practice along with access to guided and unguided practices. It’s simple to use and great to get you meditating every day.

3. Timeless Meditation App

Looking for the best meditation app for beginners that you can stick with as you continue to meditate? Look no further. Timeless is ideal for beginners and for more experienced meditators. Timeless is easy to navigate and comes with guided instruction, day courses and the opportunity to connect with your very own mindfulness community. Buddying up with a like minded community is the next best thing to a class, creating your own virtual sangha.

4. MindFi Meditation App

If you’re just starting out with meditation MindFi is the perfect app to start. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to dip into at any point in your day. Mindful can be used for mindful eating, on your commute to work or for general relaxation. It will get you used to creating mindful moments within your day and practicing on a regular basis.

Mind bliss Meditation App

If you like bells and whistles,  Mindbliss is your app. Offering single sessions alongside 5-9 days mini courses Mindbliss offers a range of different practices ranging from simple guided meditations, machine learning suggestions, brain training , visualisation exercises, affirmations, transcendental meditations, and a dash of hypnotherapy. This app has a little bit of everything so if you’re curious and like to mix it up, this could be the meditation app for you.

Here at Planet Positive Change we love to talk about all things mindfulness. Check out our free resources including our Free Guide to Mindful Meditation

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